Verbal Deductions and verbal deduction questions for gate pdf | logical deduction questions for cat ?
Unit exercise
Directions (Q. nos. 1 – 15) in each question, a set of six statements is given, following by four answer choices. each of the answer choice has a combination of three statements from the given set of six statements. you are required to identify the answer choice in which the statements are logically related.
- A. actors know english.
- he does not know english.
- he is not an actor.
- he is not an actor.
- he knows hindi.
- he should know english.
(a) ABD
(b) AEF
(d) ACF
- A. some building may have rain.
- forests have building.
- cities have forests.
- forests have monkeys.
- forests have rain.
- cirties have rain
(a) CDE
(b) AFC
(d) EBA
- A. all beaters cheat.
- all teacher cheat.
- some cheaters cheat.
- some teachers beat.
- some teachers beat and cheat.
- some beaters cheat.
(a) AFC
(b) BDE
(d) FAB
- A. cricketers are politicians.
- rigging is happening now.
- rigging precedes electrons.
- elections precede cricket.
- elections will happen next.
- rigging is done by cricketers.
(a) BEC
(b) CBE
(c) ACF
(d) DCF
- A. soem people are corrupt.
- power corrupts with time.
- he is powerful.
- corrupt people have power.
- he is corrupt.
- some people have power.
(a) CBE
(b) CEB
(c) FAD
(d) ADF
- A. moon has a stellite.
- moon is a planet.
- some planets have satellites.
- moon is earth’s satellite.
- earth is moon’s satellite.
- moon may have a satellite.
(a) CBA
(b) CBF
(c) CDB
(d) AEF
- A. krishnan and vinod are friends.
- vinod likes krishann and vice – versa.
- krishanan likes vinod.
- friends are enemies.
- friends have mutual liking.
- vinod is krishnan’s enemy.
(a) CEA
(b) FED
(c) AEC
(d) EAB
- A. some students study biology.
- no student study history.
- some students study biology and history.
- some students study history.
- all students study biology
- all students study history.
(a) EDC
(b) ABE
(c) CDE
(d) CDB
- A. all cows are goats
- no goats are dogs.
- no goats are cows.
D . no goats are dogs.
- all cows are dogs.
- all dogs and cows.
(a) FAB
(b) ABE
(c) AFB
(d) ABF
- A. students play football.
- football keeps you mentally alert.
- cricket is an evil game.
- b, who is a student, must be mentally alert.
- a and b are friends.
- friends play cricket.
(a) DEB
(b) ABD
(c) DEF
(d) BCD
- A. pill is a capsule.
- no capsules are pills.
- some medicines are capsules.
- some pills are medicines.
- all pills are medicines.
- some medicines are not capsules.
(a) ADF
(b) BEF
(c) ACD
(d) CDB
- A. if you are R you have to be D.
- all D is R.
- no S is R.
- all S is R.
- if you are D, you are not S.
- R and D are friends
(a) BDF
(b) ACE
(c) CBD
(d) ACF
- A. A is taller than B.
- A and B play golf.
- C is shorter than B, but taller than D.
- Golf and cricket are outdoor games.
- C is the second shortest.
- all outdoor games require energy.
(a) ABC
(b) ACE
(c) ADF
(d) FBD
- A. all roses have thorns.
- all roses have nectar.
- all plants with nectar have thorns.
- all shrubs have roses.
- all shrubs have nectar.
- some roses have thorns.
(a) BEF
(b) BCF
(c) BDE
(d) ACF
- A. no spring is a season.
- some seasons are springs.
- some seasons are autumns.
- no seasons are autumns.
- some springs are not autumns.
- all springs are autumns.
(a) DFA
(b) BEF
(c) CEB
(d) DEB
Directions (Q. nos. 16 – 18) in each question four sats of three statements are given. you have to identify whether the three sentence in each of these sets are logically related.
- A all coins are leaves. some leaves are pens. some coins are pens.
- mangoes contain allergen. magan are mangoes. magan may have allergy.
- USA is a security council member. UK is a security council member. all security council members are not from the asian countries.
- X is Y”s mother. all daughters wear sock. Y wares socks.
(a) A and B
(b) B and D
(c) B
(d) D
- A. ram is a good by rawan is good boy. ram likes rawan.
- some scientists are magicians. all magicians are emotional. all scientists are emotional.
- some fools are intelligent. some who are intelligent are great. some fools are great.
- all pilots are trained. all who are trained are professional. all pilots are professional.
(a) B
(b) C
(c) A
(d) D
- A he is either a cricketer or a footballer. he is cricketer. he is a footballer.
- subroto has impeccable manners. managers have impeccable manners. subroto is a manager.
- something from mars are cows. nothing from mars is real. cows from mars are unreal.
- all rats are dirty. dirty leads to disease. rats are not diseased.
(a) A and C
(b) B and C
(c) C
(d) D
Directions (Q. nos. 19 – 23) in eact question a main statement is followed by four statement : A, B, C, and D choose the ordered pair of statement
- A and B cannot be selected if X and Y are selected in that order.
- A and B are selected.
- X and Y are not selected in that order.
- y and X are selected in that order.
- A and B are not selected.
(a) CA
(b) BC
(c) AB
(d) AD
- vinod is either a poet or a doctor.
- vinod is a poet.
- vinod is doctor.
- vinod is an engineer.
- vinod is not a poet.
(a) AB
(b) CD
(c) CA
(d) DB
- he has cold every time he plays.
- he did not play.
- he had cold.
- he did not have cold.
- he played.
(a) CA
(b) BD
(c) AC
(d) BA
- all Ps are QS, all QS are not PS.
- all DS are PS.
- all DS are QS.
- all QS are not DS.
- all QS are PS.
(a) DA
(b) AC
(c) CA
(d) None of these
- if and only if manu goes to a movie, then sonu would go for a party.
- sonu went for a party.
- sonu did not go for a party.
- manu did not go for a movie.
- manu went to a movie.
(a) AD
(b) CB
(c) BC
(d) both (a) and (b)
Directions (Q. nos. 24 – 26) each question contains four arguments of three statements each. choose the set in which third statement is a logical conclusion of the first two.
- A. all ts and squares. all squares are rectangular. all ts are rectangular.
- some fat are elongated. some elongated things are huge. some fat are huge.
- idiots are bumblers. bumblers fumble. idiots fumble.
- water is good health. health food are rare. water is rare.
(a) D only
(b) C only
(c) both A and C
(d) all of these
- if T has juice today, N will have horlicks.
- T is drinking juice.
- N is drinking tea.
- T is not drinking juice.
- N is drinking horlicks.
(a) AC
(b) BC
(c) CB
(d) CD
- R will go out with S wears black clothes.
- R went out with S.
- R did not go with S.
- S wore a purple dress.
- S wore black clothes.
(a) BC
(b) CB
(c) AC
(d) AB
Directions (Q. Nos. 27 – 30) each question consists of five statements followed by options consisting of three statement put together in a specific order. choose the option which indicates a valid argument, that is where the thrid statement is a conclusion drawn from the preceding two statements.
- either the orangutan is not angry, or he frowns upon the world.
- the orangutan fromns upon the world.
- the orangutan is not angry.
- the orangutan does not frwon upon the wourld.
- the orangutan is angry.
(a)CB only
(b) DA only
(c) AB only
(d) CB and DA
- either ravana is a demon, or he is a hero.
- ravana is a hero.
- ravana is a demon.
- revana is not a demon.
- revana is not a hero.
(a) CD only
(b) BA only
(c) CD and BA
(d) DB and CA
- A. A traffic congestion increases carbon monoxide in the enviroment.
- increase in carbon monoxide is hazardous to health.
- traffic congestion is hazardous to health.
- some traffic congestion does not cause increased carbon monoxide.
- some traffic congestion is not hazardons to health.
(a) CBA
(b) BDE
(c) CDE
(d) BAC
Answers With Solutions
- (d) actors know english + he is an actor > he should know english. hence, ACF are logically related to one another.
- (d) forests have building is type proposition and can be converted into some buildings have forests.
now, some buildings have forests + forests have rain = some buildings may have rain (I + A = I).hence, EBA are logically related.
- (b) if all teachers cheat and some teachers beat = some teachers beat and cheat (As shown in the shaded portion) hence, BDF are logically related.
- (b) clearly, if rigging precedes elections and rigging is happening now, then it implies that” elections will happen next”
- (d) I +A = I. some people are corrupt + corrupt people have power = some people have power.
- (b) clearly, if we consider CBF, then either moon may have a satellite or not have a satellite.
- (d) EAB are logically related.
- (a) if we consider EDC, then shaded portion shows some students study biology and history.
- (b) A + A = A. hence, all cows are goats + all goats are dogs = all cows are dogs. hence, ABE are logically related.
- (b) students play football + football keeps you mentally alert = B, who is a student, must be mentally alert. hence, ABD are logically related.
- (b) considering BEF, no capsules are pills + all pills are medicines = no capsules are medicines = some medicines are not capsules. hence BEF are logicaly related.
- (b) considering AEC, if X = R = D # S > S # R. hence, AEC are logically related.
- (b) combining A and C, we get A > B > C > D = C is the second shortest. hence, ACE are logically related.
- (c) considering BDE, we find that to draw conclusion from BD, they have to recordered as DB, i.e., all shrubs have roses + all roses have nectar = all shrubs have nectar (A + A = A). Hence BDE are logically related.
- (a) considering DFA, to draw conclusion from DF, they have to be aligned and reordered as all springs are autumus + no autumns are seasons (After converting) = no spring is season. hence, DFA are logically related.
- (c) set of satements given by C is valid.
- (d) A + A = A. Hence, all pilots are trained + all who are trained are professional = all pilots are professional.
- (c) set of statements given by C is logically valid.
- (c) the reverse logic holds good here, both condition are negated.
- (d) both B and D have to be satisfied to meet the condition in the question,
- (a) cald definitely follows play . hence, ‘no cold’ means ‘no play’.
- (b) clearly, AC follows.
- (d) clearly, both (a) and (b) follow.
- (c) A + A = A. hence, both A and C follow.
- (b) it is clear from the statements that if N have any thing other than horlick then T will not have juice. hence, both BC follow.
- (a) it isgiven that R will go with S only if S wears black clothes, hence R id not go with S = S wore a purple dress.
- (d) option (d) CB and DA follow from the statement.
- (d) if the statement is of the type – either A ro B, then conclusion will always be of the nature if not A then B ro if not B then A.
in the question, it is given that either ravana is a demon or he is a hero. it means, (if) ravana is not a demon (then) ravana is a hero. hence, BD and CA follow.
- (d) C is the conclusion of statement B and A.
- (a) considering option (a) CEA, we find that if all sweets are tasty and no apple is tasty then it means that apples are not sweets.