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Under isothermal condition , a gas at 300 K expands from 0.1 L to 0.25 L against a constant external pressure of 2 bar. The work done by the gas is (Given that 1 L bar = 100 J)

Question : Under isothermal condition , a gas at 300 K expands from 0.1 L to 0.25 L against a constant external pressure of 2 bar. The work done by the gas is (Given that 1 L bar = 100 J)

(1) -30 J
(2) 5 kJ
(3) 25 J
(4) 30 J
answer : from all above options the correct answer is “(1) -30 J
Solution for this question :
as We know that
w =Pext ΔV =  – 2 x (0.25 – 0.1)
= – 0.3L bar

= – 0.3 x 100 J = -30 J
that is why we have marked Answer (1) for correct answer.