The drug which is not a tranquillizer, is (1) ibuprofen. (2) veronal. (3) luminal. (4) seconal.

Question : The drug which is not a tranquillizer, is

(1) ibuprofen.

(2) veronal.

(3) luminal.

(4) seconal.

Answer : from all above options the correct answer is “(1) ibuprofen.” it means ibuprofen drug is not a tranquillizer but remaining all three drugs “veronal , luminal , seconal” are examples of tranquillizer that is why we have given (1) ibuprofen for correct answer.

explanation of answer : tranquillizer is a type of drug or medicines or substance which can used to treat fear, tension and several types of mind disturbances , it means this drug keep mind in stable condition if there is some disturbances occurring in mind . ibuprofen is a type of drug which is used to treat several types of pains like headache , dental pain etc. so we can say that ibuprofen is not an example of tranquillizer that is why we have marked this as correct answer for our question . remaining other three drugs named veronal , luminal and seconal are examples of tranquillizer drugs.Ibuprofen is a moderate pain killer.