If you are hindi medium student and want to download rbse 10th class sanskrit book pdf download in hindi | sanskrit book of class 10 hindi medium in the form of pdf format , we are here to provide you very easy way to download all the sanskrit book of rbse rajasthan board ajmer book in full hd original print.
- प्रथम: पाठ:
- द्वितीय: पाठ:
- तृतीय: पाठ:
- चतुर्थ: पाठ:
- पञ्चम: पाठ:
- षष्ठ: पाठ:
- सप्तम: पाठ:
- अष्टम: पाठ:
- नवम: पाठ:
- दशम: पाठ:
- एकादश: पाठ:
- द्वादश: पाठ:
- त्रयोदश: पाठ:
- चतुर्दश: पाठ:
- पंचदश: पाठ:
- अव्ययम: पाठ
- कारकम: पाठ:
- प्रत्ययम: पाठ:
- समास: पाठ:
- व्याकरणम: पाठ:
जिस पाठ को पढना है वह चुने और पीडीऍफ़ में डाउनलोड करके पढ़े –
- जय सुरभारति
- संघे शक्ति:
- स्वराष्ट्र गौरवम
- जृम्भस्व सिंह ! दन्तांस्ते गणयिष्ये
- वाक्केलि:
- महाराणा प्रताप:
- लोकहितं मम करणीयम
- कर्मयोगी स्वामी केशवानन्द:
- भारत वैभवम
- सुभाषित रत्नानि
- स्वदेशं कथं रक्षेयम
- मरूसौन्दर्यम
- महाराज: सूरजमल्ल: विजयते
- यो यद्वपति बीजं हि लभते तादृशं फलम्
- आचार्योपदेश:
- अव्ययम: पाठ
- कारकम: पाठ:
- प्रत्ययम: पाठ:
- समास: पाठ:
- व्याकरणम: पाठ:
First you will shown some chapters names , these are the chapters which are present in sanskrit book of class 10th in rajasthan board ajmer and other state board like up , mp , bihar , uttrakhand , uttar pradesh state board , madhy pradesh secondary board of state , so you have to click on the chapters name and the chapter will start to download and by this method you will able to downlaod your full book of this subject. if you are thinking why we are doing so ? we are doing so because if you are needed to any specific chapter or portion of any chapter than why you should need to download complete book every time , so we have replaced this problem by putting your complete sanskrit book 10th or secondary class so that wich chapter teachers are teaching you or what chapters are needed to you will ready to download that specific chapter.